miércoles, 26 de noviembre de 2014

Sandy not so nice as you think.

Short summery;    
  Hurricane Sandy was an atlantica hurricane season category 3 and 2. It all started bevause of a tropical wave in the Caribbean Sea. It was the largest hurricane, it started on October 22 and finished on November 2, 2012. It affected Cuba, Kingston Jamaica, Bahamas, Haiti, Puerto Rico and Dominican Republic. It left millions  and millions of dead people, at least 300,000 homeless and lots of damage in each country, that Goverment had to paid.

What happened? 
An Atlantic hurricane season catergories 3 and 4.
This catastrophy happened in Cuba, Bahamas, Haiti, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, Kingston Jamaica and 24 states of USA.
It started on October 22 and finished on November 2, 2012.
Who  were involved?
Americains were involved (of Central America and United States)


Interviewer: Good morining everyone I am here with Erica Rodríguez, a scientist that studied the recent hurricane Sandy, that started on October 22 and finished on November 2 of 2012. Hello Erica thank you for coming.

Erica: Hello. Thanks for inviting me.

Interviewer: You are welcome. So first of all tell me how Sandy started.

Erica: Well Sadny started with a tropical wave in the Caribbean Sea.

Interviewer: And which was its category?

Erica: It was evaluated with the categories 2 and 3.

Interviewer: And which countries were affected?

Erica: The countries affected were Cuba, Bahamas, Haiti, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, Kingston Jamaica and 24 states of USA.

Interviewer: Wow! A lot! Well, thank you for coming Erica.

Erica: Thank you for inviting me.

Interviewer: You are welcomed and I will see you next week. 

A satellite image of the Hurricane Sandy.


And a video...

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