jueves, 30 de junio de 2016
Analizando el procesador
Luego de hacer una disección de un encéfalo de vaca en el laboratorio, analizarlo y definir sus partes debíamos hacer Thinglink interviniendo las imágenes tomadas durante la disección con imágenes, textos y videos. Aca esta mi trabajo:
domingo, 12 de junio de 2016
We are what we wear
In the class of Use of English we watched “The Devils Wears Prada”. After that in Language class we had to create an essay about it with the following criteria:
*Use six connectors
*One rhetorical question
*Two metaphor or similes.
Do you feel like you’re missing out on the world of fashion? Don’t worry, to be out of style is not so important. On one hand, I think that the clothes that we wear represents, show and express us, our personality. However this doesn’t mean that you have to be fashionable and have the last season clothes. If you are a fashionable girl or boy of course you can, like Emily in the movie “The Devils Wears Prada”, but if you are not you can use the clothe that you want.
One the other hand, sometimes you must follow some rules, for example at work. An example can be that you must wear a skirt under your knee not higher. Nevertheless you have your own style but sometimes you have to follow some rules, don’t break it there are times where we must follow them. At home put the cloth that you want, it’s only for a little while that you have the rules.
Alternatively, I hear that people are used to make fun of people by the clothes that the other is using. This is very unfair. Obviously not all the people have the same taste in clothes so this doesn't give you the right to mock at people. It doesn't matter whether you are trendy or not, always respect the other person.
To sum up, people show their personality by the clothes they wear. Although you don’t have to be trendy and sometimes you must follow some rules, like at work. Furthermore, don’t discriminate or bully someone by the clothes that the other one is using, like Miranda does in the movie, always respect the others no matter if you don’t like it, you have no right to mock at someone. Besides is not funny. Expressing opinions
In the Language class we had to write a very short paragraph where we had to express our point of view. We had to talk about three different topics, I choose environmental disasters, parties and alcohol and drugs.
Environmetal disaster:
I hold the opinion that environmental disasters include many topics, like tsunamis or earthquakes. However, I’m going to talk about the Global Warming. This is a process in which the Earth starts to suffer very dangerous climate changes. This process had been accelerated by human activity. Personally, I think that we must be aware of ours actions that are affecting our environment, our only home.
As I see it there are a lot of different types of parties, like pool parties and others. Moreover, parties where there is alcohol can go out of control. I believe parties must be fun and people believe that alcohol is a way to it, I’m not saying to prohibit, I’m saying that we must be intelligent and don’t let things go out of control, the consequences could be dangerous.
Alcohol and drugs:
I’d like to point out that for many people to drink alcohol and do drugs is a way to show you are “cool”, nevertheless it’s very unhealthy. The consequences could affect them mentally and physically, and these could be cause just to show a bunch of people that you are “cool” when you are affecting yourself.
Email writing
In Language class we have been working with essays. In this occasion the task was the following:
*You have just received an Email from a new friend who lives in another country. Read part of his email and write your reply. The email was:
- I can’t wait to hear all about you! What have you and your friends been doing recently? Do you have a best mate and what’s he or she life? Have you and your family been anywhere exciting this year?
Do write back soon and tell me!
- Connectors: at least four.
- Descriptive adjectives: at least six
- Present perfect simple/continuous
- Make a plan before you start writing
Best mate:
-San Martin de los Andes
Recent activities:
-Birthday party
Hello Ben;
How you’ve been? I’m great. I was glad I recieved your email. You asked me a bunch of questions which I’m going to answer now.
I had been really active lately with my friends. We started some interesting classes. With Olivia and Carolina we have been taking dancing classes and it’s magnificent. Although it is very exhausting. Moreover, I will start taking drawing classes with Berenice, we want to improve our skills. I want to Juana’s birthday party last Friday, we had an amazing time together, as always. Finally, I will go climbing today.
The other question was about my best mate. I do have a best friend, her name is Maia. She is hilarious, I’m always laughing with her. She is supportive and trustworthy, always there for me when I need her. Besides she is gorgeous and sporty. To sum up she is incredible.
Lastly, last summer my family and I went to Bariloche and San Martin de los Andes. Eventhough it was a short trip we had an wonderful and memorable time. I want to go agian, however I don’t know if we will be able to.
So that’s all about me . Tell me a little about you, what have you been up to?
Write me back soon.

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